It’s not goodbye. It’s hasta luego.

We enjoyed a powerful worship service at the beach today, and as we reflected on our experience together and how much we’ve grown I wasn’t the only one holding back tears.  It’s with a heavy heart that I leave Puerto Rico today, but I know that I’ll be taking some of la isla del encanto with me.  Here’s just a few of the things I’ve learned.

How to take a shower with a trickle of water.

Carefully hold your arm under the water like an aqueduct, and contort yourself to direct the flow over your body.

How to navigate when the street signs don’t match the GPS.

Um…still not sure how we did this one.  There was a lot of comic relief in the front seat as we dodged cars and made last-minute lane changes!

We’re all the same

We had a moving experience during the youth group night at Cristo Rey.  The youth had the opportunity to talk amongst themselves about the struggles they face, and the parents in another room discussed the difficulties they face in raising teens.  We all learned that we face the same struggles, whether on the island or the mainland.  Afterward as we played life-size hungry hungry hippos and kerplunk, we felt like longtime friends.  On our last night together we had members of Cristo Rey over for a house party, and some of us went to dance at La Placita.  When we came back we could hear the laughter in the house all the way to the street!

When I joined this trip, I didn’t really know anyone in the group well and I had prepared myself to feel alone most of the time.  I was surprised to find every day that I have more and more in common with my trip family.  Shari and I both have to dive in anytime we’re near water.  Renee and I both get really sarcastic when the GPS wants us to go the wrong way down a one-way street.  Bri, Michaela and I can all spend all night asking questions about Puerto Rican politics and culture.  Daniel and I both love Latin music.

There’s always time for the beach.

This one goes without saying.

Sing anytime, anywhere.

Car trips, youth group, pool parties, evening grace, and yes, even in the ocean!  There is no better way to bring joy into a situation.  I didn’t really think I’d find myself enjoying “The Sticky Moose” or the “Joy” song, but now one of my best memories is singing “Joy” in the ocean!


Dance anytime, anywhere.

Music in Puerto Rico is awesomely danceable.  Even the hymns in church have a lively beat.  On youth night, members of Cristo Rey demonstrated for us a parranda.  First, they establish a constant plena beat, and then they sing song after song over this rhythm.  They’ll surprise people with a parranda at their house during Christmas in the way we go caroling, except instead of singing one song they’ll throw an all-night party!  It’s always a good time for a dance party.


We were blessed to be able to dance with Angel, Miguel, and Pastor Cruz at our house and at the Placita.  I’ll always remember Angel’s “123…456″ and how Pastor Cruz smiled from ear to ear as he danced with us.

Talk to strangers.

I’ve enjoyed the quiet moments on this trip, sharing a conversation while treading water in the ocean or sitting on the patio at night.  Many of us reflected on how we rarely spoke to each other in church, but now we feel like family.  Why do we wait to know a person?  Be the first to talk.

If ever Brie disappeared, I knew I’d find her surrounded by Puerto Ricans, drilling them with questions about everything from politics to economics to culture.  She even managed to make conversation with the security guard who searched her bag at the airport!  We learned so much in just a few days thanks to her outgoing personality, and everybody became fast friends.

Just dive in.

How many great experiences do we let pass us by because we’re worried about getting dirty?  We don’t want to get our hair wet, or we don’t want to be sweaty, or we’re afraid of looking foolish if we fall down.  Life’s too short to leave it half-lived.  Dive in.  See what’s under the water.  Find out what’s inside the heart of the person next to you.  Chances are pretty good you’ll enjoy it!

As I was packing to go to Puerto Rico, the song “Make a Way” by I am They was running and running through my head.  “You brought me this far.  My God will make a way.”  Though I’m sad to leave Puerto Rico, I can trust in the promise that this relationship won’t end today.  God will make a way.


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